Search Results
The following 8 texts (sorted by results) match your query "age" (10 results):
- Agrippina, a Tragedy (2 results)
P Anicetus, whom he takes to be his friend, and in whose age he
137 The slackened sinews of time-wearied age.
- Imitated from Propertius, Lib: 3: Eleg: 5: (2 results)
16 Age step 'twixt love and me, and intercept our joy;
56 Be love my youth's pursuit and science crown my age.
- The Descent of Odin. An Ode (1 result)
P to which were devoted all such as died of sickness, old-age, or by any other means
- [Hymn to Ignorance. A Fragment] (1 result)
31 Oh! sacred age! Oh! times for ever lost!
- Ode for Music (1 result)
17 Through every unborn age and undiscovered clime.
- Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1 result)
90 And slow-consuming Age.
- Ode on the Spring (1 result)
39 Or chilled by age, their airy dance
- Stanzas to Mr Bentley (1 result)
17 But not to one in this benighted age