Search Results
The following 6 texts (sorted by results) match your query "sweet" (11 results):
- Ode for Music (3 results)
61 'Sweet is the breath of vernal shower,
62 'The bee's collected treasures sweet,
63 'Sweet music's melting fall, but sweeter yet
- The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode (3 results)
14 Parent of sweet and solemn-breathing airs,
61 In loose numbers wildly sweet
P sweet song].
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (2 results)
P The day that they have said good-bye to their sweet friends,
P [For I see in my thoughts, my sweet fire,
- The Bard. A Pindaric Ode (1 result)
118 'Attempered sweet to virgin-grace.
- Imitated from Propertius, Lib: 3: Eleg: 5: (1 result)
6 Me may Castalia's sweet recess detain,
- William Shakespeare to Mrs Anne, Regular Servant to the Revd Mr Precentor of York (1 result)
2 (But stint your clack for sweet St Charitie)