Search Results
The following 4 texts (sorted by results) match your query "a" (8 results):
- [Translations from the Greek Anthology] (4 results)
28 offering a Statue of herself to Venus.
38 From a Fragment of Plato.
43 Sublimem procul a ramis pendere pharetram,
56 atque ait, heus! a me numquid, amice, velis?
- [Gratia magna] (2 results)
27 Laetari possum, possum et maerere; sed a te
54 Nice, nullam a te quaerere dicta fidem;
- De Principiis Cogitandi. Liber Primus. Ad Favonium. (1 result)
158 Respice, cui a cunis tristes extinxit ocellos,
- In 5tam Novembris (1 result)
22 tectosque a visu Solis habere dolos;