Thomas Gray to Edward Bedingfield, 12 February 1757
Tho' I do not know whether you are yet return'd from Bath, I can not help addressing this to York (for where else can I find you?) & enquiring after your health, especially as I recollect, you told me you were but lately recover'd from a fit of illness, when I had the pleasure of seeing you. I have too numberless excuses to make for the very free & unceremonious reception I then gave you, & the many liberties I took with you in the first conversation we ever had. perhaps there is no other excuse to be made for them, than that I then regarded you as a Person I had long known, & one, to whom I might speak my mind, without danger of offending you. I should be glad to know, where you are, what you are doing, & even what you are thinking of? if you are at home, I beg you would present my respects to the Ladies, & believe me
Holding Institution
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