Search Results
The following 9 texts (sorted by results) match your query "stream" (12 results):
- [Translation] From Tasso [Gerusalemme Liberata] Canto 14, Stanza 32-9. (3 results)
9 The torrent-stream his ancient bounds disdains,
15 Against the stream the waves secure he trod,
64 And paint the margin of the costly stream.
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid IX 319-26] (2 results)
3 With new-born heat amidst his native stream
15 Or cuts the downward stream with equal force,
- The Characters of the Christ-Cross Row, By a Critic, To Mrs — (1 result)
57 S sails the swan slow down the silver stream. [...]
- The Descent of Odin. An Ode (1 result)
67 Nor wash his visage in the stream,
- [Imitated] From Propertius. Lib: 2: Eleg: 1. (1 result)
50 To mourn the glories of his sevenfold stream,
- Imitated from Propertius, Lib: 3: Eleg: 5: (1 result)
51 Famine at feasts and thirst amid the stream.
- Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes (1 result)
15 The genii of the stream:
- The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode (1 result)
7 Now the rich stream of music winds along,
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid VI 646-88, 704-24] (1 result)
38 Where flowed the widest stream he took his stand;