Search Results
The following 6 texts (sorted by results) match your query "up" (10 results):
- Agrippina, a Tragedy (2 results)
106 Rouse [up] eight hardy legions, wont to stem
178 And froze them up with deadly cruelty.
- The Candidate (2 results)
1 When sly Jemmy Twitcher had smugged up his face
22 She stroked up her belly and stroked down her band.
- A Long Story (2 results)
47 Dried up the cows and lamed the deer,
60 And up stairs in a whirlwind rattle.
- The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode (2 results)
P Awake [up], my glory: awake, lute and harp.
P Come marching up the eastern hills afar.
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (1 result)
112 'Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he;
- [Hymn to Ignorance. A Fragment] (1 result)
22 And huddle up in fogs the dangerous fire.