Search Results
The following 14 texts (sorted by results) match your query "vain" (19 results):
- Sonnet [on the Death of Mr Richard West] (3 results)
1 In vain to me the smiling mornings shine,
3 The birds in vain their amorous descant join,
14 And weep the more because I weep in vain.
- Agrippina, a Tragedy (2 results)
131 Stung by a senseless word, a vain tradition,
174 In lieu of penitence and vain remorse,
- [The Alliance of Education and Government. A Fragment] (2 results)
6 The soil, though fertile, will not teem in vain,
9 So draw mankind in vain the vital airs,
- The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode (2 results)
48 Say, has he given in vain the heavenly Muse?
P enemies to ravens that croak and clamour in vain below, while it pursues its flight,
- The Bard. A Pindaric Ode (1 result)
32 'Mountains, ye mourn in vain
- The Characters of the Christ-Cross Row, By a Critic, To Mrs — (1 result)
13 In vain you think to find them under E,
- [Imitated] From Propertius. Lib: 2: Eleg: 1. (1 result)
85 Here arts are vain, even magic here must fail,
- Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1 result)
12 Ah fields beloved in vain,
- Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes (1 result)
22 She stretched in vain to reach the prize.
- Ode on the Spring (1 result)
18 How vain the ardour of the crowd,
- Ode to Adversity (1 result)
23 By vain Prosperity received,
- On L[or]d H[olland']s Seat near M[argat]e, K[en]t (1 result)
18 Nor Shelburne's, Rigby's, Calcraft's friendship vain,
- [Translation from Dante, Inferno Canto xxxiii 1-78] (1 result)
74 In vain my help, expired; ere the sixth morn
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid VI 646-88, 704-24] (1 result)
56 In vain the nations with officious fear