Search Results
The following 5 texts (sorted by results) match your query "longe" (7 results):
- [The Gaurus] (2 results)
17 Praecipites fugere ferae, perque avia longe
46 Saepius et longe detorquens navita proram
- [Translations from the Greek Anthology] (2 results)
35 Longe mater abest, longe Cythereia turba.
- [Farewell to Florence] (1 result)
7 Villarum longe nitido consurgere dorso,
- Luna habitabilis (1 result)
67 (Quanquam aliis longe fulgentior) extulit oras:
- [Sophonisba Masinissae. Epistola] (1 result)
31 Foeminea ante omnes longe admiratur euntem