Search Results
The following 20 texts (sorted by results) match your query "this" (41 results):
- Agrippina, a Tragedy (7 results)
P have her guard taken from her. At this time Otho having
P had seen Poppaea, is much enraged; but not knowing that this
P returns to Baiae. In this interval Otho has an interview with
30 This painted Jove, and taught his novice hand
93 This mighty emperor, this dreaded hero,
118 It bears a noble semblance. On this base
- The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode (5 results)
89 'This pencil take,' (she said) 'whose colours clear
92 This can unlock the gates of joy;
P This is a weak imitation of some incomparable lines in the same Ode. [Pindar, Pythian Ode I, 1-12.]
P Italian writers; Milton improved on them: but this School expired soon after the
P saphire-stone. - This was the appearance [of the likeness] of the glory of the Lord.
- The Bard. A Pindaric Ode (4 results)
P and probably accompanied the King in this expedition.
P Craigian-eryri, or the crags of the eagles. At this day (I am told) the highest
P this island, as the Scots, and the people of Cumberland, Westmoreland, &c. can testify:
P sovereignty over this island; which seemed to be accomplished in the House of Tudor [1768].
- Imitated from Propertius, Lib: 3: Eleg: 5: (3 results)
13 Let on this head unfading flowers reside,
21 Who taught this vast machine its steadfast laws,
32 Shall sink this beauteous fabric of the world;
- Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (3 results)
71 Ambition this shall tempt to rise,
85 This racks the joints, this fires the veins,
- The Descent of Odin. An Ode (2 results)
P kindred-deities shall perish. For a farther explanation of this mythology, see
P detailed draft of this note is in C[ommonplace] B[ook]).]
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (2 results)
45 Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid
86 This pleasing anxious being e'er resigned,
- [Translation from Dante, Inferno Canto xxxiii 1-78] (2 results)
14 Pisa's perfidious prelate, this: now hear
34 Amain, my deadly foes, headed by this
- The Triumphs of Owen. A Fragment (2 results)
P North-Wales, A. D. 1120. This battle was fought near forty
11 This the force of Eirin hiding;
- [The Alliance of Education and Government. A Fragment] (1 result)
22 This spacious animated scene survey
- [Epitaph on Mrs Clerke] (1 result)
1 Lo! where this silent marble weeps,
- [Epitaph on Sir William Williams] (1 result)
11 Ah gallant youth! this marble tells the rest,
- [Imitated] From Propertius. Lib: 2: Eleg: 1. (1 result)
88 And to this bosom give its wonted peace,
- [Impromptus] (1 result)
6 And this upon his Lady—
- A Long Story (1 result)
42 (By this time all the parish know it)
- Ode for Music (1 result)
68 'To this, thy kindred train, and me:
- On L[or]d H[olland']s Seat near M[argat]e, K[en]t (1 result)
5 On this congenial spot he fixed his choice;
- Stanzas to Mr Bentley (1 result)
17 But not to one in this benighted age
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid VI 646-88, 704-24] (1 result)
64 That to avoid and this to emulate.
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid IX 319-26] (1 result)
5 In this clear wave he first beheld the day;