Thomas Gray to Richard West, [April or May 1739]
Letter ID:
Writer's age: 22
Addressee's age: 23[?]
Calendar: Gregorian
Language: French
Incipit: [not extant]
Contents: "[In a note to Gray's letter to West of 12 April 1739 from Paris (Letter 60 [letters.0067], n. 14) Mason mentions (Memoirs, p. 46) 'a French letter, which Mr. Gray writ to his friend soon after this' (see Letter 60, n. 14). This letter, which was no doubt the first of the two letters in French to West mentioned by Mason in his letter to Walpole of 28 June 1773 (see Walpole-Mason Correspondence [The Correspondence of Horace Walpole and the Rev. William Mason, 2 vols., ed. by John Mitford, 1851], vol. i, 82, 85-6, 87), is not extant[...] For the second letter, see below, Letter 63** [letters.0073].]"
Correspondence of Thomas Gray, 3 vols. Ed. by the late Paget Toynbee and Leonard Whibley, with corrections and additions by H. W. Starr. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971 [1st ed. 1935], vol. i, 106.
Correspondence of Thomas Gray, 3 vols. Ed. by the late Paget Toynbee and Leonard Whibley, with corrections and additions by H. W. Starr. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971 [1st ed. 1935], vol. i, 106.
Holding Institution
Availability: The original letter is not extant, no copy, transcription, or published version survives