Search Results
The following 42 texts (sorted by results) match your query "to" (465 results):
- Agrippina, a Tragedy (89 results)
P Poppaea, believed to be in love with Otho.
P Demetrius, the Cynic, friend to Seneca.
P Aceronia, confidant to Agrippina.
P her son's orders from Anicetus to remove from Baiae, and to
P brings her to Baiae, where he means to conceal her among the
P croud; or, if his fraud is discovered, to have recourse to the
P determines not to have recourse to that expedient, but on the
P utmost necessity. In the meantime he commits her to the care of
P Anicetus, whom he takes to be his friend, and in whose age he
P thinks he may safely confide. Nero is not yet come to Baiae:
P accusation concerning Rubellius Plancus, and desires her to
P clear herself, which she does briefly; but demands to see her
P restores her to her honours. In the meanwhile Anicetus, to
P following plot to ruin Agrippina: He betrays his trust to Otho,
P and brings Nero, as it were by chance, to the sight of the
P readily persuaded by him to see Agrippina in secret, and
P Poppaea. Agrippina, to support her own power, and to wean the
P promises to support him. Anicetus secretly introduces Nero to
P death, and, by Anicetus's means, to destroy her by drowning. A
P solemn feast, in honour of their reconciliation, is to be made;
P after which she being to go by sea to Bauli, the ship is so
P contrived as to sink or crush her; she escapes by accident, and
P returns to Baiae. In this interval Otho has an interview with
P determines to fly with her into Greece, by means of a vessel
P which is to be furnished by Anicetus; but he, pretending to
P remove Poppaea on board in the night, conveys her to Nero's
P apartment: She there encourages and determines Nero to banish
P mother. Anicetus undertakes to execute his resolves; and, under
P guard to murder Agrippina, who is still at Baiae in imminent
P fear, and irresolute how to conduct herself. The account of her
1 [Speaks as to Anicetus entering.]
4 Yielding due reverence to his high command:
7 Say, she retired to Antium; there to tend
14 To hear the spirit of Britannicus
16 Without a spell to raise, and bid it fire
17 A thousand haughty hearts, unused to shake
18 When a boy frowns, nor to be lured with smiles
19 To taste of hollow kindness, or partake
23 And the mute air are privy to your passion.
25 Which fierce resentment cannot fail to raise
27 And dost thou talk to me, to me, of danger,
29 To her that gave it being, her that armed
31 To aim the forked bolt; while he stood trembling,
34 To adoration, to the grateful steam
39 To fame or fortune; haply eyed at distance
41 To judge of weights and measures; scarcely dared
42 On expectation's strongest wing to soar
45 Oped his young eye to bear the blaze of greatness;
48 To shrink from danger; fear might then have worn
56 Hence rise my fears. Nor am I yet to learn
58 To such a mother owes; the world you gave him
59 Suffices not to pay the obligation.
65 That read futurity, to know the fate
74 Rankle to gall; and benefits too great
75 To be repaid, sit heavy on the soul,
81 The very power he has to be ungrateful.
84 Of rage, and thinks to quench the fire it feels not.
87 Carry to him thy timid counsels. He
89 Who had such liberal power to give, may still
92 To its original atoms— tell me! say,
101 To bow the supple knee, and court the times
103 Like mine might serve belike to wake pretensions
106 Rouse [up] eight hardy legions, wont to stem
121 Even in the servile senate, ears to own
128 (Slaves from the womb, created but to stare
136 To arm the hand of childhood, and rebrace
148 To dress thy plea, and Burrhus strengthen it
154 These hated walls that seem to mock my shame,
155 And cast me forth in duty to their lord.
157 More deadly to the sight than is to me
161 But not to Antium— all shall be confessed,
171 Of the Syllani, doomed to early death
183 Thus far we're safe. Thanks to the rosy queen
191 By the young Trojan to his gilded bark
194 Whether she feared or wished to be pursued.
- The Bard. A Pindaric Ode (43 results)
P to be put to death.
7 'To save thy secret soul from nightly fears,
14 'To arms!' cried Mortimer, and couched his quivering lance.
20 Streamed, like a meteor, to the troubled air)
24 'Sighs to the torrent's awful voice beneath!
28 'To high-born Hoel's harp, or soft Llewellyn's lay.
52 "The characters of hell to trace.
66 "A tear to grace his obsequies.
70 "Gone to salute the rising morn.
84 "Lance to lance, and horse to horse?
97 "Edward, lo! to sudden fate
102 'Leave me unblessed, unpitied, here to mourn:
118 'Attempered sweet to virgin-grace.
122 'They breathe a soul to animate thy clay.
142 'To triumph, and to die, are mine.'
144 Deep in the roaring tide he plunged to endless night.
P of mail, that sate close to the body, and adapted itself to every motion.
P Snowdon was a name given by the Saxons to that mountainous tract, which
P he caused a fortified camp to be constructed.].''
P to King Edward.
P ['... haggard, wch conveys to you the the Idea of a Witch, is indeed only
P farouche & jealous of its liberty.' Letter to Wharton, 21 Aug. 1755, T & W no. 205.]
P Shone, like a meteor, streaming to the wind.
P The shores of Caernarvonshire opposite to the isle of Anglesey.
P Cambden and others observe, that eagles used annually to build their aerie among
P point of Snowdon is called the eagle's nest. That bird is certainly no stranger to
P As dear to me as are the ruddy drops,
P to death [in 1400]. The story of his assassination by Sir Piers of Exon, is of much later date.
P believed to be murthered secretly in the Tower of London. The oldest part of that
P structure is vulgarly attributed to Julius Caesar.
P to save her Husband and her Crown.
P inheritance to the Crown.
P gave of her affection for her Lord [she is supposed to have sucked the poison from a wound
P her, are still to be seen at Northampton, Geddington, Waltham, and other places.
P and should return again to reign over Britain.
P sovereignty over this island; which seemed to be accomplished in the House of Tudor [1768].
P Speed relating an audience given by Queen Elizabeth to Paul Dzialinski, Ambassadour of Poland,
P (1552-1629) published his History of Great Britaine ... to ... King James in 1611.]
P Spenser's Proëme to the Fairy Queen [l. 9].
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (30 results)
4 And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
10 The moping owl does to the moon complain
23 No children run to lisp their sire's return,
24 Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share.
25 Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield,
36 The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
37 Nor you, ye Proud, impute to these the fault,
42 Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?
48 Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre.
49 But Knowledge to their eyes her ample page
55 Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
61 The applause of listening senates to command,
62 The threats of pain and ruin to despise,
63 To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land,
67 Forbade to wade through slaughter to a throne,
69 The struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide,
70 To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame,
74 Their sober wishes never learned to stray;
77 Yet even these bones from insult to protect
84 That teach the rustic moralist to die.
85 For who to dumb Forgetfulness a prey,
100 'To meet the sun upon the upland lawn.
118 A youth to fortune and to fame unknown.
123 He gave to Misery all he had, a tear,
125 No farther seek his merits to disclose,
P The day that they have said good-bye to their sweet friends,
P Which seems to mourn the dying day.]
- [Imitated] From Propertius. Lib: 2: Eleg: 1. (24 results)
P To Mecaenas.
6 She tunes my easy rhyme and gives the lay to flow.
13 Or if to music she the lyre awake,
17 If sinking into sleep she seem to close
20 That slumber brings to aid my poetry.
21 When less averse and yielding to desires,
23 While to retain the envious lawn she tries,
24 And struggles to elude my longing eyes;
32 My feeble voice to sound the victor's praise,
33 To paint the hero's toil, the ranks of war,
50 To mourn the glories of his sevenfold stream,
53 Thee too the muse should consecrate to fame,
58 Back to its source divine the Julian race.
59 Sailors to tell of winds and seas delight,
64 To die is glorious in the bed of love.
65 Happy the youth, and not unknown to fame,
68 To Cynthia all my wishes I confine;
69 Or if, alas! it be my fate to try
82 Heal the slow chief and send again to war;
83 To Chiron Phoenix owed his long-lost sight,
84 And Phoebus' son recalled Androgeon to the light.
88 And to this bosom give its wonted peace,
95 'Tis hard the elusive symptoms to explore:
105 Then to my quiet urn awhile draw near,
- A Long Story (23 results)
5 To raise the ceiling's fretted height,
8 And passages that lead to nothing.
33 To celebrate her eyes, her air—
36 Alas, who would not wish to please her!
40 In pity to the country-farmer.
52 To rid the manor of such vermin.
55 Rapped at the door nor stayed to ask,
72 To a small closet in the garden.
81 The words too eager to unriddle,
87 That, will he, nill he, to the Great-House
90 For folks in fear are apt to pray)
91 To Phoebus he preferred his case,
106 Sour visages, enough to scare ye,
112 To all the people of condition.
121 Yet something he was heard to mutter,
123 '(Without design to hurt the butter,
124 'Or any malice to the poultry,)
132 She smiled, and bid him come to dinner.
137 'Decorum's turned to mere civility;
139 'Commend me to her affability!
140 'Speak to a commoner and poet!'
143 That to eternity would sing,
P N:B: the House was built by the Earls of Huntingdon, & came from them to
- [The Alliance of Education and Government. A Fragment] (22 results)
4 Their roots to feed and fill their verdant veins;
7 Forbids her gems to swell, her shades to rise,
8 Nor trusts her blossoms to the churlish skies:
11 That health and vigour to the soul impart,
20 To check their tender hopes with chilling fear,
25 To either pole and life's remotest bounds.
28 Alike to all the kind impartial heaven
30 With sense to feel, with memory to retain,
39 To different climes seem different souls assigned?
52 The prostrate south to the destroyer yields
58 Proud of the yoke and pliant to the rod,
69 To string our nerves and steel our hearts to war?
83 And raise the mortal to a height divine.
89 Foes to the gentler genius of the plain:
91 With sidelong plough to quell the flinty ground,
92 To turn the torrent's swift-descending flood,
93 To brave the savage rushing from the wood,
94 What wonder if, to patient valour trained,
106 Or on frail floats to distant cities ride,
- The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode (22 results)
2 And give to rapture all thy trembling strings.
12 The rocks and nodding groves rebellow to the roar.
26 Tempered to thy warbled lay.
34 To brisk notes in cadence beating
51 He gives to range the dreary sky:
57 To cheer the shivering native's dull abode.
60 She deigns to hear the savage youth repeat
72 Mute, but to the voice of anguish?
86 To him the mighty Mother did unveil
97 The secrets of the abyss to spy.
P poetry, which gives life and lustre to all it touches, are here described; its quiet
P Power of harmony to calm the turbulent sallies of the soul. The thoughts are borrowed
P from the first Pythian of Pindar. [See note to l. 20.]
P Power of harmony to produce all the graces of motion in the body.
P To compensate the real and imaginary ills of life, the Muse was given to Mankind by the
P same Providence that sends the Day by its chearful presence to dispel the gloom and
P Progress of Poetry from Greece to Italy, and from Italy to England. Chaucer was not
P Meant to express the stately march and sounding energy of Dryden's rhimes.
P [Pindar] Olymp. 2. [88] Pindar compares himself to that bird, and his
P enemies to ravens that croak and clamour in vain below, while it pursues its flight,
- The Fatal Sisters. An Ode (17 results)
P into Ireland, to the assistance of Sictryg with the silken beard,
P Dublin: the Earl and all his forces were cut to pieces, and
P on horseback riding full speed towards a hill, and seeming to enter
P into it. Curiosity led him to follow them, till looking through an
P her portion) galloped six to the north and as many to the south.
1 Now the storm begins to lower,
19 Join the wayward work to aid:
33 We the reins to slaughter give,
34 Ours to kill and ours to spare:
55 Joy to the victorious bands;
56 Triumph to the younger King.
64 Hurry, hurry to the field.
P of battle selected such as were destined to slaughter, and conducted them to Valhalla,
P of the warp-beam' according to Cleasby & Vigfusson, An Old Icelandic Dictionary,
- The Descent of Odin. An Ode (15 results)
4 That leads to Hela's drear abode.
19 Where long of yore to sleep was laid
21 Facing to the northern clime,
28 To break the quiet of the tomb?
37 O[din]. A Traveller, to thee unknown,
47 Balder's head to death is given.
50 Leave me, leave me to repose.
56 His brother sends him to the tomb.
58 Leave me, leave me to repose.
72 Leave me, leave me to repose.
76 That bend to earth their solemn brow,
80 Then I leave thee to repose.
89 To break my iron-sleep again,
P to which were devoted all such as died of sickness, old-age, or by any other means
P Mallet's Introduction to the History of Denmark, 1755, Quarto. [(A slightly more
- Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (15 results)
14 A stranger yet to pain!
18 My weary soul they seem to soothe,
20 To breathe a second spring.
25 Who foremost now delight to cleave
29 To chase the rolling circle's speed,
34 To sweeten liberty:
53 No sense have they of ills to come,
59 To seize their prey the murtherous band!
71 Ambition this shall tempt to rise,
73 To bitter Scorn a sacrifice,
77 That mocks the tear it forced to flow;
88 Lo, Poverty, to fill the band,
91 To each his sufferings: all are men,
92 Condemned alike to groan;
100 'Tis folly to be wise.
- Ode to Adversity (15 results)
P Ode to Adversity
6 The proud are taught to taste of pain,
9 When first thy Sire to send on earth
11 To thee he gave the heavenly birth,
12 And bade to form her infant mind.
16 And from her own she learned to melt at others' woe.
20 And leave us leisure to be good.
24 To her they vow their truth and are again believed.
31 With Justice to herself severe,
44 To soften, not to wound my heart,
46 Teach me to love and to forgive,
47 Exact my own defects to scan,
48 What others are, to feel, and know myself a man.
- [Lines Spoken by the Ghost of John Dennis at the Devil Tavern] (12 results)
4 Restored to Celadon and upper light.
6 Reveal to mortal view your realms profound;
9 Nor seeks he your Tartarean fires to know,
14 My soul, when first she tried her flight to wing,
15 Began with speed new regions to explore,
30 Are seen to rise. The melancholy scene,
36 More to reveal, or many words to use,
39 Queen Proserpine to Pluto under ground,
40 Or Cleopatra to her Mark Antony,
41 As Orozmades to his Celadony.
45 Flock to the ghost of Covent-Garden House:
- Imitated from Propertius, Lib: 3: Eleg: 5: (11 results)
1 Love, gentle power, to peace was e'er a friend:
4 Wars hand to hand with Cynthia let me wage.
7 Fast by the umbrageous vale lulled to repose,
11 Give me to send the laughing bowl around,
15 And when, our flames commissioned to destroy,
18 And all its jetty honours turn to snow;
20 To Providence, to him my thoughts I'd raise,
23 Search to what regions yonder star retires,
26 Relumes her crescent orb to cheer the dreary night;
47 Scarce to nine acres Tityus' bulk confined;
- [Translation from Dante, Inferno Canto xxxiii 1-78] (11 results)
9 At once give loose to utterance and to tears.
19 To thee and all unknown (a horrid tale),
25 To many a wretch) already 'gan the dawn
26 To send. The whilst I slumbering lay, a sleep
36 Flashed to pursue and cheer the eager cry.
43 Gave not to know their sum of misery,
46 Or thou dost mourn to think what my poor heart
69 My struggling sorrow, nor to heighten theirs.
72 Quick to devour me? Yet a fourth day came,
83 Askance he turned him, hasty to renew
- Ode for Music (10 results)
10 'Dare the Muse's walk to stain,
16 The few whom genius gave to shine
21 To bless the place, where on their opening soul
26 And nods his hoary head and listens to the rhyme.
54 To hail their Fitzroy's festal morning come;
68 'To this, thy kindred train, and me:
76 'To glitter on the diadem.
77 'Lo, Granta waits to lead her blooming band,
83 'With modest pride to grace thy youthful brow
85 'And to thy just, thy gentle hand
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid VI 646-88, 704-24] (9 results)
3 Let him stand forth his brawny arm to boast.'
6 Labouring the disc, and to small distance threw.
10 Achaians born, to try the glorious chance;
43 Now fitting to his grip and nervous arm,
49 It towers to cut the clouds; now through the skies
64 That to avoid and this to emulate.
70 True to the mighty arm that gave it force,
71 Far overleaps all bound and joys to see
- [Translation] From Tasso [Gerusalemme Liberata] Canto 14, Stanza 32-9. (9 results)
2 To tempt the dangers of the doubtful way;
3 And first to Ascalon their steps they bend,
6 Scarce the hoarse waves from far were heard to roar,
21 Fearless in long excursion loves to glide,
28 To seek your hero in a distant soil!
37 Nor doubt with me to tread the downward road
38 That to the grotto leads, my dark abode.'
52 The birth of rivers, rising to their course;
55 The Po was there to see, Danubius' bed,
- Ode on the Spring (8 results)
6 Responsive to the cuckoo's note,
26 Eager to taste the honeyed spring,
30 Quick-glancing to the sun.
31 To Contemplation's sober eye
40 They leave, in dust to rest.
47 No painted plumage to display:
P ''Nare per aestatem liquidam —'' [To swim through cloudless summer]
P Shew to the sun their waved coats drop'd with gold.
- Stanzas to Mr Bentley (8 results)
P Stanzas to Mr Bentley
4 And bids the pencil answer to the lyre.
8 To local symmetry and life awake!
9 The tardy rhymes that used to linger on,
10 To censure cold and negligent of fame,
16 And Dryden's harmony submit to mine.
17 But not to one in this benighted age
25 Enough for me, if to some feeling breast
- The Characters of the Christ-Cross Row, By a Critic, To Mrs — (7 results)
P The Characters of the Christ-Cross Row, By a Critic, To Mrs —
13 In vain you think to find them under E,
19 Here Grub-street geese presume to joke and jeer,
24 H mounts to heaven and H descends to hell.
32 Mortals he loves to prick and pinch and pluck.
52 Queer Queensberry only does refuse to wait. [...]
- On L[or]d H[olland']s Seat near M[argat]e, K[en]t (7 results)
3 To smuggle some few years and strive to mend
8 And mariners, though shipwrecked, dread to land.
10 No tree is heard to whisper, bird to sing:
12 Art he invokes new horrors still to bring.
14 Arches and turrets nodding to their fall,
- William Shakespeare to Mrs Anne, Regular Servant to the Revd Mr Precentor of York (7 results)
P William Shakespeare to Mrs Anne, Regular Servant to the Revd Mr Precentor of York
11 But may not honey's self be turned to gall
14 Steal to his closet at the hour of prayer,
17 Better to bottom tarts and cheesecakes nice,
18 Better the roast meat from the fire to save,
23 While Nancy earns the praise to Shakespeare due
- [Hymn to Ignorance. A Fragment] (6 results)
P [Hymn to Ignorance. A Fragment]
6 Oh, take me to thy peaceful shade again.
18 To steep in slumbers each benighted sense?
21 With damp, cold touch forbid it to aspire,
33 For ever gone— yet still to Fancy new,
35 And bring the buried ages back to view.
- Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes (6 results)
14 Two angel forms were seen to glide,
17 Through richest purple to the view
22 She stretched in vain to reach the prize.
24 What cat's averse to fish?
32 She mewed to every watery god,
33 Some speedy aid to send.
- Sonnet [on the Death of Mr Richard West] (6 results)
1 In vain to me the smiling mornings shine,
9 Yet morning smiles the busy race to cheer,
10 And new-born pleasure brings to happier men:
11 The fields to all their wonted tribute bear;
12 To warm their little loves the birds complain.
13 I fruitless mourn to him that cannot hear,
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid IX 319-26] (5 results)
2 To Faunus on the Theban river's shore,
6 On the green bank first taught his steps to stray,
7 To skim the parent flood and on the margin play:
13 Delights the favourite youth within its flood to lave.
16 The indulgent river strives his steps to aid.
- Satire on the Heads of Houses; or, Never a Barrel the Better Herring (4 results)
2 To the satire I've penned
12 To him bears affinity;
22 Hits them all to a hair;
35 P.S. —As to Trinity Hall
- [The Death of Hoel] (3 results)
4 To rush and sweep them from the world!
11 To Cattraeth's vale in glittering row
24 That live to weep and sing their fall.
- The Triumphs of Owen. A Fragment (3 results)
26 Echoing to the battle's roar.
32 Fear to stop and shame to fly.
- The Candidate (2 results)
5 'Lord! Sister,' says Physic to Law, 'I declare
29 To refuse him for such peccadillos were odd;
- [Epitaph on Mrs Clerke] (2 results)
4 The peaceful virtues loved to dwell.
13 A pang, to secret sorrow dear;
- [Epitaph on Mrs Mason] (2 results)
1 Tell them, though 'tis an awful thing to die
2 ('Twas ev'n to thee) yet the dread path once trod,
- [Sketch of his Own Character] (2 results)
1 Too poor for a bribe and too proud to importune,
6 But left church and state to Charles Townshend and Squire.
- Song I (2 results)
1 'Midst beauty and pleasure's gay triumphs, to languish
3 To start from short slumbers and look for the morning—
- [Conan] (1 result)
2 Build to him the lofty verse,
- [Epitaph on a Child] (1 result)
5 Few were the days allotted to his breath;
- [Epitaph on Sir William Williams] (1 result)
4 Nor Envy dared to view him with a frown.
- [Impromptus] (1 result)
4 One day the Bishop having offered to give a Gentleman a Goose,
- [Invitation to Mason] (1 result)
P [Invitation to Mason]
- [Lines Written at Burnham] (1 result)
4 Cling to each leaf and swarm on every bough:
- [Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude] (1 result)
48 To him are opening Paradise.
- Song II (1 result)
11 Cease my doubts, my fears to move;