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The following 47 texts (sorted by results) match your query "the" (1378 results):
- The Bard. A Pindaric Ode (151 results)
P The Bard. A Pindaric Ode
P The following Ode is founded on a Tradition current in Wales,
P that EDWARD the First, when he compleated the conquest of
P that country, ordered all the Bards, that fell into his hands,
4 'They mock the air with idle state.
9 Such were the sounds, that o'er the crested pride
10 Of the first Edward scattered wild dismay,
11 As down the steep of Snowdon's shaggy side
17 Robed in the sable garb of woe,
18 With haggard eyes the poet stood;
20 Streamed, like a meteor, to the troubled air)
22 Struck the deep sorrows of his lyre.
24 'Sighs to the torrent's awful voice beneath!
30 'That hushed the stormy main:
37 'Far, far aloof the affrighted ravens sail;
38 'The famished eagle screams, and passes by.
40 'Dear, as the light that visits these sad eyes,
41 'Dear, as the ruddy drops that warm my heart,
48 'And weave with bloody hands the tissue of thy line.'
49 "Weave the warp, and weave the woof,
50 "The winding-sheet of Edward's race.
52 "The characters of hell to trace.
53 "Mark the year and mark the night,
55 "The shrieks of death, through Berkeley's roofs that ring,
58 "That tear'st the bowels of thy mangled mate,
60 "The scourge of heaven. What terrors round him wait!
67 "Is the sable warrior fled?
68 "Thy son is gone. He rests among the dead.
69 "The swarm that in thy noon-tide beam were born?
70 "Gone to salute the rising morn.
71 "Fair laughs the morn, and soft the zephyr blows,
72 "While proudly riding o'er the azure realm
73 "In gallant trim the gilded vessel goes;
74 "Youth on the prow, and Pleasure at the helm;
75 "Regardless of the sweeping whirlwind's sway,
77 "Fill high the sparkling bowl,
78 "The rich repast prepare,
79 "Reft of a crown, he yet may share the feast:
80 "Close by the regal chair
83 "Heard ye the din of battle bray,
86 "And through the kindred squadrons mow their way.
90 "And spare the meek usurper's holy head.
91 "Above, below, the rose of snow,
93 "The bristled Boar in infant-gore
94 "Wallows beneath the thorny shade.
95 "Now, brothers, bending o'er the accursed loom,
98 "(Weave we the woof. The thread is spun)
100 "(The web is wove. The work is done.)"
103 'In yon bright track, that fires the western skies,
115 'In the midst a form divine!
116 'Her eye proclaims her of the Briton-line;
119 'What strings symphonious tremble in the air,
121 'Hear from the grave, great Taliessin, hear;
124 'Waves in the eye of heaven her many-coloured wings.
125 'The verse adorn again
130 'With Horror, tyrant of the throbbing breast.
131 'A voice, as of the cherub-choir,
136 'Raised by thy breath, has quenched the orb of day?
137 'Tomorrow he repairs the golden flood,
138 'And warms the nations with redoubled ray.
140 'The different doom our fates assign.
143 He spoke, and headlong from the mountain's height
144 Deep in the roaring tide he plunged to endless night.
P Mocking the air with colours idly spread.
P The Hauberk was a texture of steel ringlets, or rings interwoven, forming a coat
P of mail, that sate close to the body, and adapted itself to every motion.
P — [By] The crested adder's pride.
P Snowdon was a name given by the Saxons to that mountainous tract, which
P the Welch themselves call Craigian-eryri: it included all the highlands of
P Caernarvonshire and Merionethshire, as far east as the river Conway. R. Hygden[,] speaking
P of the castle of Conway built by King Edward the first, says, ''Ad ortum amnis Conway
P ad clivum montis Erery [At the source of the River Conway on the slope of Mt. Erery];''
P fecit erigi castrum forte [Near (or at) Aberconway at the foot of Mt. Snowdon,
P Gilbert de Clare, surnamed the Red, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, son-in-law
P They both were Lords-Marchers, whose lands lay on the borders of Wales,
P and probably accompanied the King in this expedition.
P ['... haggard, wch conveys to you the the Idea of a Witch, is indeed only
P The image was taken from a well-known picture of Raphael, representing the Supreme Being
P in the vision of Ezekiel: there are two of these paintings (both believed original),
P one at Florence, the other at Paris.
P Shone, like a meteor, streaming to the wind.
P The shores of Caernarvonshire opposite to the isle of Anglesey.
P the rocks of Snowdon, which from thence (as some think) were named by the Welch
P Craigian-eryri, or the crags of the eagles. At this day (I am told) the highest
P point of Snowdon is called the eagle's nest. That bird is certainly no stranger to
P this island, as the Scots, and the people of Cumberland, Westmoreland, &c. can testify:
P it even has built its nest in the Peak of Derbyshire. [See Willoughby's Ornithol.
P the Ornithologia of his patron Francis Willughby (1635-72).]
P As dear to me as are the ruddy drops,
P See the Norwegian Ode, that follows. [Fatal Sisters]
P Edward the Second, cruelly butchered in Berkley-Castle [in 1327 near the Severn River
P Isabel of France, Edward the Second's adulterous Queen.
P Triumphs of Edward the Third in France.
P Edward, the Black Prince, dead some time before his Father [in 1376].
P Magnificence of Richard the Second's reign. See Froissard, and other contemporary Writers.
P Richard the Second, (as we are told by Archbishop Scroop and the confederate Lords
P in their manifesto, by Thomas of Walsingham, and all the older Writers)[,] was starved
P to death [in 1400]. The story of his assassination by Sir Piers of Exon, is of much later date.
P Henry the Sixth, George Duke of Clarence, Edward the Fifth, Richard Duke of York, &c.
P believed to be murthered secretly in the Tower of London. The oldest part of that
P [Father] Henry the Fifth.
P Henry the Sixth very near being canonized. The line of Lancaster had no right of
P inheritance to the Crown.
P The white and red roses, devices of York and Lancaster [presumably woven above and
P below on the loom].
P The silver Boar was the badge of Richard the Third; whence he was usually known in
P his own time by the name of the Boar.
P Eleanor of Castile died a few years after the conquest of Wales. The heroic proof she
P gave of her affection for her Lord [she is supposed to have sucked the poison from a wound
P Edward I received] is well known. The monuments of his regret, and sorrow for the loss of
P It was the common belief of the Welch nation, that King Arthur was still alive in Fairy-Land,
P Both Merlin [Myrddin] and Taliessin had prophesied, that the Welch should regain their
P sovereignty over this island; which seemed to be accomplished in the House of Tudor [1768].
P Accession of the House of Tudor [1757].
P says, 'And thus she, lion-like rising, daunted the malapert Orator no less with her stately port
P and majestical deporture, than with the tartnesse of her princelie checkes.' [John Speed
P Taliessin, Chief of the Bards, flourished in the VIth Century. His works are still preserved,
P thirteenth-century version and many of the poems in it may not be by Taliessin.]
P Spenser's Proëme to the Fairy Queen [l. 9].
P The succession of Poets after Milton's time.
- Agrippina, a Tragedy (132 results)
P Agrippina, the Empress mother.
P Nero, the Emperor.
P Seneca, the Emperor's preceptor.
P Anicetus, Captain of the Guards.
P Demetrius, the Cynic, friend to Seneca.
P Scene, the Emperor's villa at Baiae
P The Argument
P The drama opens with the indignation of Agrippina, at receiving
P conveyed Poppaea from the house of her husband Rufus Crispinus,
P brings her to Baiae, where he means to conceal her among the
P croud; or, if his fraud is discovered, to have recourse to the
P Emperor's authority; but, knowing the lawless temper of Nero, he
P determines not to have recourse to that expedient, but on the
P utmost necessity. In the meantime he commits her to the care of
P but Seneca, whom he sends before him, informs Agrippina of the
P restores her to her honours. In the meanwhile Anicetus, to
P whose care Poppaea had been entrusted by Otho, contrives the
P and brings Nero, as it were by chance, to the sight of the
P beautiful Poppaea; the Emperor is immediately struck with her
P tho', in reality, she is from the first dazzled with the
P that it will be for her interest. Otho hearing that the Emperor
P interview was obtained thro' the treachery of Anicetus, is
P Poppaea. Agrippina, to support her own power, and to wean the
P Emperor from the love of Poppaea, gives Otho encouragement, and
P after which she being to go by sea to Bauli, the ship is so
P remove Poppaea on board in the night, conveys her to Nero's
P Otho, and finish the horrid deed he had attempted on his
P pretence of a plot upon the Emperor's life, is sent with a
P fear, and irresolute how to conduct herself. The account of her
P death, and the Emperor's horrour and fruitless remorse,
P finishes the drama.
2 The message needs no comment. Tell your master,
6 As fits the daughter of Germanicus.
13 And please the stripling. Yet 'twould dash his joy
14 To hear the spirit of Britannicus
21 Of the unpledged bowl, they love not Aconite.
23 And the mute air are privy to your passion.
24 Forgive your servant's fears, who sees the danger
31 To aim the forked bolt; while he stood trembling,
32 Scared at the sound and dazzled with its brightness?
34 To adoration, to the grateful steam
37 Decked with no other lustre than the blood
40 Some edileship, ambitious of the power
43 High as the consulate, that empty shade
45 Oped his young eye to bear the blaze of greatness;
47 The noble quarry. Gods! then was the time
49 The mask of prudence; but a heart like mine,
50 A heart that glows with the pure Julian fire,
52 Display the radiant prize, will mount undaunted,
53 Gain the rough heights, and grasp the dangerous honour.
57 How vast the debt of gratitude which Nero
58 To such a mother owes; the world you gave him
59 Suffices not to pay the obligation.
64 You bade the Magi call the dreadful powers
65 That read futurity, to know the fate
67 If the son reign, the mother perishes.
68 Perish (you cried) the mother! reign the son!
69 He reigns, the rest is heaven's; who oft has bade,
71 The unthought event disclose a whiter meaning.
73 The sweets of kindness lavishly indulged
75 To be repaid, sit heavy on the soul,
76 As unrequited wrongs. The willing homage
77 Of prostrate Rome, the senate's joint applause,
78 The riches of the earth, the train of pleasures
81 The very power he has to be ungrateful.
83 Pours its cool dictates in the madding ear
84 Of rage, and thinks to quench the fire it feels not.
86 And tremble at the phantom I have raised?
94 Has he beheld the glittering front of war?
95 Knows his soft ear the trumpet's thrilling voice,
96 And outcry of the battle? Have his limbs
98 The silken son of dalliance, nursed in ease
101 To bow the supple knee, and court the times
104 Drowsier than theirs, who boast the genuine blood
107 With stubborn nerves the tide, and face the rigour
109 That in Armenia quell the Parthian force
110 Under the warlike Corbulo, by [me]
113 Surely the Masians too, and those of Egypt,
114 Have not forgot [my] sire: the eye of Rome
115 And the Praetorian camp have long revered,
116 With customed awe, the daughter, sister, wife,
120 The trump of liberty; there will not want,
121 Even in the servile senate, ears to own
124 Minds of the antique cast, rough, stubborn souls,
125 That struggle with the yoke. How shall the spark
127 Blaze into freedom, when the idle herd
128 (Slaves from the womb, created but to stare
129 And bellow in the Circus) yet will start,
130 And shake 'em at the name of liberty,
136 To arm the hand of childhood, and rebrace
137 The slackened sinews of time-wearied age.
139 Again the buried Genius of old Rome
140 Shall from the dust uprear his reverend head,
141 Roused by the shout of millions: there before
145 The gilded swarm that wantons in the sunshine
151 The world, the prize; and fair befall the victors.
152 But soft! why do I waste the fruitless hours
156 My thought aches at him; not the basilisk
157 More deadly to the sight than is to me
158 The cool injurious eye of frozen kindness.
162 Whate'er the frivolous tongue of giddy fame
163 Has spread among the crowd; things that but whispered
164 Have arched the hearer's brow and riveted
167 Assassinations, poisonings; the deeper
168 My guilt, the blacker his ingratitude.
170 Enshrined Claudius, with the pitied ghosts
171 Of the Syllani, doomed to early death
173 If from the realms of night my voice ye hear,
176 He was the cause. My love, my fears for him,
177 Dried the soft springs of pity in my heart,
182 And sink the traitor in his mother's ruin. Exeunt.
183 Thus far we're safe. Thanks to the rosy queen
186 With more elusive speed the dazzled sight
188 Dispel, my fair, with smiles, the timorous cloud
191 By the young Trojan to his gilded bark
- The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode (120 results)
P The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode
5 The laughing flowers, that round them blow,
7 Now the rich stream of music winds along,
10 Now rowling down the steep amain,
12 The rocks and nodding groves rebellow to the roar.
13 Oh! Sovereign of the willing soul,
15 Enchanting shell! the sullen Cares
17 On Thracia's hills the Lord of War,
18 Has curbed the fury of his car,
20 Perching on the sceptered hand
21 Of Jove, thy magic lulls the feathered king
24 The terror of his beak, and lightnings of his eye.
25 Thee the voice, the dance, obey,
28 The rosy-crowned Loves are seen
37 Where'er she turns the Graces homage pay.
38 With arms sublime, that float upon the air,
41 The bloom of young desire and purple light of love.
43 Labour, and penury, the racks of pain,
45 And death, sad refuge from the storms of fate!
46 The fond complaint, my song, disprove,
47 And justify the laws of Jove.
48 Say, has he given in vain the heavenly Muse?
51 He gives to range the dreary sky:
52 Till down the eastern cliffs afar
54 In climes beyond the solar road,
56 The Muse has broke the twilight-gloom
57 To cheer the shivering native's dull abode.
58 And oft, beneath the odorous shade
60 She deigns to hear the savage youth repeat
63 Her track, where'er the goddess roves,
65 The unconquerable Mind, and Freedom's holy flame.
67 Isles that crown the Aegean deep,
72 Mute, but to the voice of anguish?
77 Till the sad Nine in Greece's evil hour
78 Left their Parnassus for the Latian plains.
79 Alike they scorn the pomp of tyrant-power,
83 Far from the sun and summer-gale,
86 To him the mighty Mother did unveil
87 Her awful face: the dauntless child
90 Richly paint the vernal year:
92 This can unlock the gates of joy;
94 Or ope the sacred source of sympathetic tears.'
96 Upon the seraph-wings of Ecstasy,
97 The secrets of the abyss to spy.
98 He passed the flaming bounds of place and time:
99 The living throne, the sapphire-blaze,
104 Wide o'er the fields of glory bear
107 Hark, his hands the lyre explore!
114 Nor the pride, nor ample pinion,
115 That the Theban eagle bear
117 Through the azure deep of air:
119 Such forms, as glitter in the Muse's ray
120 With orient hues, unborrowed of the sun:
122 Beyond the limits of a vulgar fate,
123 Beneath the Good how far— but far above the Great.
P translation:], Aeolian song, Aeolian strings, the breath of the Aeolian flute.
P The subject and simile, as usual with Pindar, are united. The various sources of
P when swoln and hurried away by the conflict of tumultuous passions.
P Power of harmony to calm the turbulent sallies of the soul. The thoughts are borrowed
P from the first Pythian of Pindar. [See note to l. 20.]
P This is a weak imitation of some incomparable lines in the same Ode. [Pindar, Pythian Ode I, 1-12.]
P Power of harmony to produce all the graces of motion in the body.
P [Greek line (omitted)] [He (Odysseus) gazed at the quick twinkling of (the dancers')
P [Greek line (omitted)] [And on his rose-red cheeks there gleams the light of love.]
P [Modern texts give the line as follows: Greek line (omitted).]
P To compensate the real and imaginary ills of life, the Muse was given to Mankind by the
P same Providence that sends the Day by its chearful presence to dispel the gloom and
P terrors of the Night.
P Or seen the Morning's well-appointed Star
P Come marching up the eastern hills afar.
P Extensive influence of poetic Genius over the remotest and most uncivilized nations:
P its connection with liberty, and the virtues that naturally attend on it. [See the
P Erse, Norwegian, and Welch Fragments, the Lapland and American songs.]
P ''Extra anni solisque vias—'' [Beyond the paths of the year and the sun—]
P ''Tutta lontana dal camin del sole.'' [Quite far from the road of the sun.]
P unacquainted with the writings of Dante or of Petrarch. The Earl of Surrey and Sir Tho.
P Wyatt had travelled in Italy, and formed their taste there; Spenser imitated the
P Italian writers; Milton improved on them: but this School expired soon after the
P Restoration, and a new one arose on the French model, which has subsisted ever since.
P ''—flammantia moenia mundi.'' [—the flaming ramparts of the world].
P For the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels - And above the firmament,
P that was over their heads, was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a
P saphire-stone. - This was the appearance [of the likeness] of the glory of the Lord.
P [Greek line (omitted)] [(the Muse) took away (his) eyes, but she gave (him the gift of)
P Meant to express the stately march and sounding energy of Dryden's rhimes.
P Cowley. ["The Prophet" in The Mistress, line 20]
P We have had in our language no other odes of the sublime kind, than that of Dryden on
P indeed of late days has touched the true chords, and with a masterly hand, in some of
P his Choruses, - above all in the last of Caractacus,
P [Greek line (omitted)] [against the god-like bird of Zeus].
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (94 results)
1 The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
2 The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea,
3 The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,
4 And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
5 Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight,
6 And all the air a solemn stillness holds,
7 Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight,
8 And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds;
10 The moping owl does to the moon complain
14 Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap,
16 The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep.
17 The breezy call of incense-breathing morn,
18 The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed,
19 The cock's shrill clarion, or the echoing horn,
21 For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn,
24 Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share.
25 Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield,
26 Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke;
28 How bowed the woods beneath their sturdy stroke!
32 The short and simple annals of the poor.
33 The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,
35 Awaits alike the inevitable hour.
36 The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
37 Nor you, ye Proud, impute to these the fault,
39 Where through the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault
40 The pealing anthem swells the note of praise.
42 Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?
43 Can Honour's voice provoke the silent dust,
44 Or Flattery soothe the dull cold ear of Death?
47 Hands that the rod of empire might have swayed,
48 Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre.
50 Rich with the spoils of time did ne'er unroll;
52 And froze the genial current of the soul.
54 The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear:
56 And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
58 The little tyrant of his fields withstood;
61 The applause of listening senates to command,
62 The threats of pain and ruin to despise,
68 And shut the gates of mercy on mankind,
69 The struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide,
70 To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame,
71 Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride
72 With incense kindled at the Muse's flame.
73 Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife,
75 Along the cool sequestered vale of life
76 They kept the noiseless tenor of their way.
80 Implores the passing tribute of a sigh.
81 Their name, their years, spelt by the unlettered muse,
82 The place of fame and elegy supply:
84 That teach the rustic moralist to die.
87 Left the warm precincts of the cheerful day,
89 On some fond breast the parting soul relies,
90 Some pious drops the closing eye requires;
91 Ev'n from the tomb the voice of nature cries,
93 For thee, who mindful of the unhonoured dead
98 'Oft have we seen him at the peep of dawn
99 'Brushing with hasty steps the dews away
100 'To meet the sun upon the upland lawn.
101 'There at the foot of yonder nodding beech
104 'And pore upon the brook that babbles by.
109 'One morn I missed him on the customed hill,
110 'Along the heath and near his favourite tree;
111 'Another came; nor yet beside the rill,
112 'Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he;
113 'The next with dirges due in sad array
114 'Slow through the church-way path we saw him borne.
115 'Approach and read (for thou can'st read) the lay,
116 'Graved on the stone beneath yon aged thorn.'
116 The Epitaph
117 Here rests his head upon the lap of earth
128 The bosom of his Father and his God.
P [(It was already the hour which turns back the desire
P Of the sailors, and melts their hearts,
P The day that they have said good-bye to their sweet friends,
P And which pierces the new pilgrim with love,
P If he hears) — from afar the bell
P Which seems to mourn the dying day.]
- A Long Story (79 results)
3 The Huntingdons and Hattons there
4 Employed the power of fairy hands
5 To raise the ceiling's fretted height,
7 Rich windows that exclude the light,
9 Full oft within the spacious walls,
11 My grave Lord-Keeper led the brawls;
12 The Seal and Maces danced before him.
15 Moved the stout heart of England's Queen,
17 What, in the very first beginning!
18 Shame of the versifying tribe!
25 The first came cap-a-pee from France
29 The other Amazon kind heaven
31 But Cobham had the polish given,
40 In pity to the country-farmer.
41 Fame in the shape of Mr. P[ur]t
42 (By this time all the parish know it)
45 Who prowled the country far and near,
46 Bewitched the children of the peasants,
47 Dried up the cows and lamed the deer,
48 And sucked the eggs and killed the pheasants.
52 To rid the manor of such vermin.
53 The heroines undertook the task;
55 Rapped at the door nor stayed to ask,
56 But bounce into the parlour entered.
57 The trembling family they daunt,
63 Run hurry-skurry round the floor,
64 And o'er the bed and tester clamber,
65 Into the drawers and china pry,
69 On the first marching of the troops
70 The Muses, hopeless of his pardon,
72 To a small closet in the garden.
74 But that they left the door ajar,
76 He heard the distant din of war.
78 The power of magic was no fable.
79 Out of the window, whisk, they flew,
80 But left a spell upon the table.
81 The words too eager to unriddle,
82 The poet felt a strange disorder:
83 Transparent birdlime formed the middle,
84 And chains invisible the border.
85 So cunning was the apparatus,
86 The powerful pothooks did so move him,
87 That, will he, nill he, to the Great-House
88 He went, as if the Devil drove him.
93 The godhead would have backed his quarrel,
97 The court was sate, the culprit there,
99 The Lady Janes and Joans repair,
100 And from the gallery stand peeping:
101 Such as in silence of the night
103 (Styack has often seen the sight)
104 Or at the chapel-door stand sentry;
108 The drawing-room of fierce Queen Mary!
109 The peeress comes. The audience stare,
112 To all the people of condition.
113 The bard with many an artful fib
115 Disproved the arguments of Squib,
118 When he the solemn hall had seen;
122 'How in the park beneath an old-tree
123 '(Without design to hurt the butter,
124 'Or any malice to the poultry,)
129 The ghostly prudes with hagged face
130 Already had condemned the sinner.
134 'Why, what can the Viscountess mean?'
135 (Cried the square hoods in woeful fidget)
136 'The times are altered quite and clean!
P N:B: the House was built by the Earls of Huntingdon, & came from them to
P [Great-House] So the Country People call it. [Garrett MS.]
P [Styack] The House-Keeper.
P [Squib] [James Squibb] Groom of the Chambers.
P [Groom] The Steward.
P [Macleane] A famous Highwayman hang'd the week before.
- [The Alliance of Education and Government. A Fragment] (70 results)
P [The Alliance of Education and Government. A Fragment]
6 The soil, though fertile, will not teem in vain,
8 Nor trusts her blossoms to the churlish skies:
9 So draw mankind in vain the vital airs,
11 That health and vigour to the soul impart,
12 Spread the young thought and warm the opening heart.
13 So fond Instruction on the growing powers
16 Smile not indulgent on the rising race,
18 Light golden showers of plenty o'er the land:
21 And blast the blooming promise of the year.
23 From where the rolling orb, that gives the day,
26 How rude so e'er the exterior form we find,
27 Howe'er opinion tinge the varied mind,
28 Alike to all the kind impartial heaven
29 The sparks of truth and happiness has given:
32 Their judgement mends the plan their fancy draws,
33 The event presages and explores the cause.
34 The soft returns of gratitude they know,
35 By fraud elude, by force repel the foe;
37 The social smile and sympathetic tear.
41 Fix and improve the polished arts of peace.
43 Command the winds and tame the unwilling deep.
46 Oft o'er the trembling nations from afar
47 Has Scythia breathed the living cloud of war;
48 And, where the deluge burst, with sweepy sway
51 The blue-eyed myriads from the Baltic coast.
52 The prostrate south to the destroyer yields
54 With grim delight the brood of winter view
56 Scent the new fragrance of the breathing rose,
57 And quaff the pendent vintage, as it grows.
58 Proud of the yoke and pliant to the rod,
61 The encroaching tide, that drowns her lessening lands,
65 O'erpower the fire that animates our frame,
67 Fade and expire beneath the eye of day?
68 Need we the influence of the northern star
70 And, where the face of nature laughs around,
71 Must sickening Virtue fly the tainted ground?
73 What fancied zone can circumscribe the Soul,
74 Who, conscious of the source from whence she springs,
80 Suspends the inferior laws that rule our clay:
81 The stubborn elements confess her sway;
83 And raise the mortal to a height divine.
84 Not but the human fabric from the birth
87 The manners speak the idiom of their soil.
88 An iron-race the mountain-cliffs maintain,
89 Foes to the gentler genius of the plain:
91 With sidelong plough to quell the flinty ground,
92 To turn the torrent's swift-descending flood,
93 To brave the savage rushing from the wood,
97 The rough abode of want and liberty,
99 Insult the plenty of the vales below?
100 What wonder in the sultry climes, that spread
105 The dusky people drive before the gale,
107 That rise and glitter o'er the ambient tide.
- The Fatal Sisters. An Ode (68 results)
P The Fatal Sisters. An Ode
P (From the Norse-Tongue,) in the ORCADES of
P In the eleventh century Sigurd, Earl of the Orkney-Islands,
P into Ireland, to the assistance of Sictryg with the silken beard,
P Dublin: the Earl and all his forces were cut to pieces, and
P Sictryg was in danger of a total defeat; but the enemy had a
P greater loss by the death of Brian, their King, who fell in
P the action. On Christmas-day, (the day of the battle,) a native
P opening in the rocks he saw twelve gigantic figures resembling
P they sung the following dreadful Song; which when they had
P finished, they tore the web into twelve pieces, and (each taking
P her portion) galloped six to the north and as many to the south.
1 Now the storm begins to lower,
2 (Haste, the loom of hell prepare,)
4 Hurtles in the darkened air.
5 Glittering lances are the loom,
6 Where the dusky warp we strain,
9 See the grisly texture grow,
11 And the weights that play below,
14 Shoot the trembling cords along.
16 Keep the tissue close and strong.
19 Join the wayward work to aid:
20 'Tis the woof of victory.
21 Ere the ruddy sun be set,
25 (Weave the crimson web of war)
27 Where our friends the conflict share,
29 As the paths of fate we tread,
30 Wading through the ensanguined field:
32 O'er the youthful King your shield.
33 We the reins to slaughter give,
36 (Weave the crimson web of war.)
37 They, whom once the desert-beach
40 O'er the plenty of the plain.
41 Low the dauntless Earl is laid,
44 Soon a King shall bite the ground.
49 Horror covers all the heath,
50 Clouds of carnage blot the sun.
51 Sisters, weave the web of death;
52 Sisters, cease, the work is done.
53 Hail the task, and hail the hands!
55 Joy to the victorious bands;
56 Triumph to the younger King.
57 Mortal, thou that hear'st the tale,
58 Learn the tenor of our song.
60 Far and wide the notes prolong.
64 Hurry, hurry to the field.
P Note — The Valkyriur were female Divinities, Servants of Odin
P (or Woden) in the Gothic mythology. Their name signifies Chusers of the slain.
P They were mounted on swift horses, with drawn swords in their hands; and in the throng
P the hall of Odin, or paradise of the Brave; where they attended the banquet,
P and served the departed Heroes with horns of mead and ale.
P [The Latin translation renders the original rifs reidisky ('the hanging cloud
P of the warp-beam' according to Cleasby & Vigfusson, An Old Icelandic Dictionary,
P The noise of battle hurtled in the air.
- [Imitated] From Propertius. Lib: 2: Eleg: 1. (61 results)
2 Whence the soft strain and ever-melting verse:
4 She is my genius, she inspires the lines;
6 She tunes my easy rhyme and gives the lay to flow.
7 If the loose curls around her forehead play,
9 If the thin Coan web her shape reveal,
12 Of the dear web whole volumes I indite.
13 Or if to music she the lyre awake,
14 That the soft subject of my song I make,
16 Her artful hand across the sounding strings.
23 While to retain the envious lawn she tries,
25 The fruitful muse from that auspicious night
26 Dates the long Iliad of the amorous fight.
31 Yet would the tyrant Love permit me raise
32 My feeble voice to sound the victor's praise,
33 To paint the hero's toil, the ranks of war,
34 The laurelled triumph and the sculptured car,
35 No giant-race, no tumult of the skies,
38 Or how the Persian trod the indignant sea;
44 And there the ensanguined wave of Sicily,
47 Then, while the vaulted skies loud Ios rend,
50 To mourn the glories of his sevenfold stream,
52 Move through the sacred way and vainly threat.
53 Thee too the muse should consecrate to fame,
58 Back to its source divine the Julian race.
60 The shepherd of his flocks, the soldier of the fight;
62 Each in his proper art should waste the day.
64 To die is glorious in the bed of love.
65 Happy the youth, and not unknown to fame,
70 Another love, the quicker let me die.
71 But she, the mistress of my faithful breast,
72 Has oft the charms of constancy confessed,
74 And hates the tale of Troy for Helen's sake.
75 Me from myself the soft enchantress stole:
77 Or if I fall the victim of her scorn,
79 The power of herbs can other harms remove,
81 The Melian's hurt Machaon could repair,
82 Heal the slow chief and send again to war;
84 And Phoebus' son recalled Androgeon to the light.
86 The powerful mixture and the midnight spell.
87 The hand that can my captive heart release
89 May the long thirst of Tantalus allay,
90 Or drive the infernal vulture from his prey.
92 Or who can probe the undiscovered wound?
93 The bed avails not or the leech's care,
95 'Tis hard the elusive symptoms to explore:
96 Today the lover walks, tomorrow is no more;
98 And wonder at the sudden funeral.
100 When the short marble but preserves a name,
104 Of all our youth the ambition and the praise!);
106 And say, while o'er the place you drop a tear,
107 Love and the fair were of his life the pride;
- The Descent of Odin. An Ode (59 results)
P The Descent of Odin. An Ode
P (From the Norse-Tongue,) in Bartholinus,
1 Uprose the King of Men with speed,
3 Down the yawning steep he rode,
5 Him the dog of darkness spied,
12 The father of the powerful spell.
14 (The groaning earth beneath him shakes,)
16 The portals nine of hell arise.
17 Right against the eastern gate,
18 By the moss-grown pile he sate,
20 The dust of the prophetic maid.
21 Facing to the northern clime,
22 Thrice he traced the runic rhyme;
24 The thrilling verse that wakes the dead;
25 Till from out the hollow ground
28 To break the quiet of the tomb?
30 And drags me from the realms of night?
32 The winter's snow, the summer's heat,
33 The drenching dews, and driving rain!
36 That calls me from the bed of rest?
39 Thou the deeds of light shalt know;
43 Pr. Mantling in the goblet see
44 The pure beverage of the bee,
45 O'er it hangs the shield of gold;
46 'Tis the drink of Balder bold:
48 Pain can reach the sons of Heaven!
54 Who the author of his fate.
55 Pr. In Hoder's hand the hero's doom:
56 His brother sends him to the tomb.
61 Who the avenger of his guilt,
63 Pr. In the caverns of the west,
67 Nor wash his visage in the stream,
68 Nor see the sun's departing beam:
70 Flaming on the funeral pile.
86 But mother of the giant-brood!
94 Sinks the fabric of the world.
P [steed] Sleipner was the Horse of Odin, wch had eight legs.
P [Hela the Latinized form of O[ld]N[orse] Hel]
P Niflheimr, the hell of the Gothic nations, consisted of nine worlds,
P than in battle: Over it presided Hela, the Goddess of Death.
P The original word is Vallgaldr; from Valr mortuus, & Galdr
P Lok is the evil Being, who continues in chains till the Twilight of the Gods approaches,
P when he shall break his bonds; the human race, the stars, and sun, shall disappear;
P the earth sink in the seas, and fire consume the skies: even Odin himself and his
P Mallet's Introduction to the History of Denmark, 1755, Quarto. [(A slightly more
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid VI 646-88, 704-24] (57 results)
1 Then thus the king: 'Whoe'er the quoit can wield,
2 And furthest send its weight athwart the field,
4 Swift at the word, from out the gazing host
6 Labouring the disc, and to small distance threw.
7 The band around admire the mighty mass,
9 The love of honour bade two youths advance,
10 Achaians born, to try the glorious chance;
17 Who trust your arms shall raze the Tyrian towers,
21 He said, and scornful flung the unheeded weight
22 Aloof: the champions trembling at the sight
23 Prevent disgrace, the palm despaired resign.
24 All but two youths the enormous orb decline:
26 As bright and huge the spacious circle lay,
27 With doubled light it beamed against the day:
28 So glittering shows the Thracian godhead's shield,
30 When blazing 'gainst the sun it shines from far,
31 And, clashed, rebellows with the din of war.
32 Phlegyas the long-expected play began,
33 Summoned his strength and called forth all the man.
37 The ponderous brass in exercise he bore:
38 Where flowed the widest stream he took his stand;
39 Sure flew the disc from his unerring hand,
40 Nor stopped till it had cut the further strand.
41 And now in dust the polished ball he rolled,
44 Suspends the crowd with animation warm,
45 Nor tempts he yet the plain but, hurled upright,
46 Emits the mass, a prelude of his might.
48 Collecting all his force, the circle sped.
49 It towers to cut the clouds; now through the skies
52 Heavy and huge, and cleaves the solid ground.
53 So from the astonished stars, her nightly train,
54 The sun's pale sister, drawn by magic strain,
56 In vain the nations with officious fear
58 The AEmonian hag enjoys her dreadful hour,
59 And smiles malignant on the labouring power.
60 Third in the labours of the disc came on,
62 Artful and strong he poised the well-known weight,
68 Pursued his cast and hurled the orb on high;
69 The orb on high tenacious of its course,
70 True to the mighty arm that gave it force,
73 The theatre's green height and woody wall
75 The ponderous mass sinks in the cleaving ground,
78 The eyeless Cyclops heaved the craggy rock:
79 Where ocean frets beneath the dashing oar,
80 And parting surges round the vessel roar,
81 'Twas there he aimed the meditated harm,
83 A tiger's pride the victor bore away,
85 A shining border round the margin rolled,
86 And calmed the terrors of his claws in gold.
- [Translation] From Tasso [Gerusalemme Liberata] Canto 14, Stanza 32-9. (45 results)
2 To tempt the dangers of the doubtful way;
4 Whose walls along the neighbouring sea extend.
5 Nor yet in prospect rose the distant shore,
6 Scarce the hoarse waves from far were heard to roar,
7 When thwart the road a river rolled its flood
9 The torrent-stream his ancient bounds disdains,
12 The wondrous sage: vigorous he seemed in years,
15 Against the stream the waves secure he trod,
17 As on the Rhine when Boreas' fury reigns
18 And winter binds the floods in icy chains,
19 Swift shoots the village-maid in rustic play,
20 Smooth, without step, adown the shining way,
22 And sports and wantons o'er the frozen tide;
23 So moved the seer, but on no hardened plain:
24 The river boiled beneath and rushed towards the main.
25 Where fixed in wonder stood the warlike pair
27 'Vast, O my friends, and difficult the toil
33 For adverse fate the captive chief has hurled
34 Beyond the confines of our narrow world.
37 Nor doubt with me to tread the downward road
38 That to the grotto leads, my dark abode.'
39 Scarce had he said, before the warriors' eyes
40 When mountain-high the waves disparted rise:
41 The flood on either hand its billows rears,
42 And in the midst a spacious arch appears.
43 Their hands he seized and down the steep he led,
44 Beneath the obedient river's inmost bed.
45 The watery glimmerings of a fainter day
47 As when athwart the dusky woods by night
48 The uncertain crescent gleams a sickly light.
51 Of many a flood they viewed the secret source,
52 The birth of rivers, rising to their course;
55 The Po was there to see, Danubius' bed,
60 Which soon the parent sun's warm powers refine,
61 In one rich mass unite the precious store,
62 The parts combine and harden into ore.
63 Here gems break through the night with glittering beam,
64 And paint the margin of the costly stream.
67 Here the soft emerald smiles, of verdant hue,
69 The diamond there attracts the wondering sight,
- Ode for Music (43 results)
10 'Dare the Muse's walk to stain,
14 Bursts on my ear the indignant lay:
15 There sit the sainted sage, the bard divine,
16 The few whom genius gave to shine
21 To bless the place, where on their opening soul
22 First the genuine ardour stole.
23 'Twas Milton struck the deep-toned shell,
24 And, as the choral warblings round him swell,
26 And nods his hoary head and listens to the rhyme.
30 'Oft at the blush of dawn
32 'Oft wooed the gleam of Cynthia silver-bright
33 'In cloisters dim, far from the haunts of Folly,
35 But hark! the portals sound and, pacing forth
39 Great Edward with the lilies on his brow
43 And Anjou's heroine, and the paler rose,
44 The rival of her crown and of her woes,
46 The murthered saint and the majestic lord,
47 That broke the bonds of Rome,
50 Save charity, that glows beyond the tomb).
56 The liquid language of the skies.
59 'What the bright reward we gain?
60 'The grateful memory of the good.
61 'Sweet is the breath of vernal shower,
62 'The bee's collected treasures sweet,
64 'The still small voice of gratitude.'
66 The venerable Margaret see!
72 'The flower unheeded shall descry,
74 'The fragrance of its blushing head:
75 'Shall raise from earth the latent gem
76 'To glitter on the diadem.
84 'The laureate wreath, that Cecil wore, she brings,
86 'Submits the fasces of her sway,
88 'Join with glad voice the loud symphonious lay.
89 'Through the wild waves as they roar
92 'Nor fear the rocks nor seek the shore:
93 'The star of Brunswick smiles serene,
94 'And gilds the horrors of the deep.'
- Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (40 results)
2 That crown the watery glade,
5 And ye, that from the stately brow
6 Of Windsor's heights the expanse below
9 Wanders the hoary Thames along
15 I feel the gales, that from ye blow,
24 The paths of pleasure trace,
27 The captive linnet which enthrall?
29 To chase the rolling circle's speed,
30 Or urge the flying ball?
36 The limits of their little reign,
43 The tear forgot as soon as shed,
44 The sunshine of the breast:
48 The thoughtless day, the easy night,
49 The spirits pure, the slumbers light,
50 That fly the approach of morn.
52 The little victims play!
56 The ministers of human fate,
59 To seize their prey the murtherous band!
61 These shall the fury Passions tear,
62 The vultures of the mind,
67 That inly gnaws the secret heart,
72 Then whirl the wretch from high,
75 The stings of Falsehood those shall try,
77 That mocks the tear it forced to flow;
81 Lo, in the vale of years beneath
83 The painful family of Death,
85 This racks the joints, this fires the veins,
87 Those in the deeper vitals rage:
88 Lo, Poverty, to fill the band,
89 That numbs the soul with icy hand,
93 The tender for another's pain,
94 The unfeeling for his own.
P [Henry's.] King Henry the Sixth, Founder of the College.
P Dryden's Fable on the Pythag. System. [l. 110 of Dryden's translation of Ovid, Metamorphoses, xv]
- Ode on the Spring (34 results)
P Ode on the Spring
1 Lo! where the rosy-bosomed Hours,
3 Disclose the long-expecting flowers,
4 And wake the purple year!
5 The Attic warbler pours her throat,
6 Responsive to the cuckoo's note,
7 The untaught harmony of spring:
9 Cool zephyrs through the clear blue sky
11 Where'er the oak's thick branches stretch
13 Where'er the rude and moss-grown beech
14 O'er-canopies the glade,
16 With me the Muse shall sit, and think
18 How vain the ardour of the crowd,
19 How low, how little are the proud,
20 How indigent the great!
21 Still is the toiling hand of Care;
22 The panting herds repose:
23 Yet hark, how through the peopled air
24 The busy murmur glows!
25 The insect youth are on the wing,
26 Eager to taste the honeyed spring,
27 And float amid the liquid noon:
28 Some lightly o'er the current skim,
30 Quick-glancing to the sun.
32 Such is the race of man:
35 Alike the busy and the gay
38 Brushed by the hand of rough Mischance,
42 The sportive kind reply:
P Shew to the sun their waved coats drop'd with gold.
P While insects from the threshold preach, &c.
P M. Green, in the Grotto.
- [Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude] (30 results)
P [Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude]
1 Now the golden Morn aloft
4 She wooes the tardy spring,
6 The sleeping fragrance from the ground;
7 And lightly o'er the living scene
12 The birds his presence greet:
13 But chief the sky-lark warbles high
15 And, lessening from the dazzled sight,
17 Yesterday the sullen year
18 Saw the snowy whirlwind fly;
19 Mute was the music of the air,
20 The herd stood drooping by:
27 And o'er the cheek of Sorrow throw
35 Behind the steps that Misery treads,
37 The hues of bliss more brightly glow,
40 The strength and harmony of life.
41 See the wretch, that long has tossed
42 On the thorny bed of pain,
45 The meanest flowret of the vale,
46 The simplest note that swells the gale,
47 The common sun, the air and skies,
50 Near the source whence Pleasure flows;
51 She eyes the clear crystalline well
53 Far below [...] the crowd.
56 They perish in the boundless deep
- Imitated from Propertius, Lib: 3: Eleg: 5: (29 results)
2 Before the goddess' shrine we too, love's votaries, bend.
5 Long as of youth the joyous hours remain,
7 Fast by the umbrageous vale lulled to repose,
9 Or roused by sprightly sounds from out the trance,
10 I'd in the ring knit hands and join the Muses' dance.
11 Give me to send the laughing bowl around,
14 There bloom the vernal rose's earliest pride;
26 Relumes her crescent orb to cheer the dreary night;
27 How rising winds the face of ocean sweep;
28 Where lie the eternal fountains of the deep;
29 And whence the cloudy magazines maintain
30 Their wintry war or pour the autumnal rain;
32 Shall sink this beauteous fabric of the world;
33 What colours paint the vivid arch of Jove;
34 What wondrous force the solid earth can move,
39 Whence the Seven Sisters' congregated fires,
41 How the rude surge its sandy bounds control;
42 Who measured out the year and bade the seasons roll;
46 The hissing terrors round Alecto's head;
48 The triple dog that scares the shadowy kind;
50 The pendent rock, Ixion's whirling wheel,
51 Famine at feasts and thirst amid the stream.
52 Or are our fears the enthusiast's empty dream,
53 And all the scenes that hurt the grave's repose,
- [Translation from Dante, Inferno Canto xxxiii 1-78] (28 results)
1 From his dire food the grisly felon raised
2 His gore-dyed lips, which on the clottered locks
3 Of the half-devoured head he wiped, and thus
4 Began: 'Would'st thou revive the deep despair,
5 The anguish, that, unuttered, natheless wrings
6 My inmost heart? Yet if the telling may
7 Beget the traitor's infamy, whom thus
20 The bitterness of death, I shall unfold.
24 Of me the Tower of Famine hight, and known
25 To many a wretch) already 'gan the dawn
26 To send. The whilst I slumbering lay, a sleep
28 Oped the dark veil of fate. I saw methought
29 Toward Pisa's mount, that intercepts the view
35 The deadliest: he their chief, the foremost he
36 Flashed to pursue and cheer the eager cry.
37 Nor long endured the chase: the panting sire,
40 The hungry pack their sharp-set fangs embrued.
41 'The morn had scarce commenced when I awoke:
49 Sad with the fears of sleep, and now the hour
50 Of timely food approached; when, at the gate
51 Below, I heard the dreadful clank of bars
58 All that whole day or the succeeding night,
74 In vain my help, expired; ere the sixth morn
81 The fourth, what sorrow could not, famine did.'
84 The hellish feast, and rent his trembling prey.
- Satire on the Heads of Houses; or, Never a Barrel the Better Herring (27 results)
P Satire on the Heads of Houses; or, Never a Barrel the Better Herring
2 To the satire I've penned
3 On the heads of thy Houses,
4 Thou seat of the Muses!
5 Know the Master of Jesus
7 The Master of Maudlin
8 In the same dirt is dawdling;
9 The Master of Sidney
10 Is of the same kidney;
11 The Master of Trinity
13 As the Master of Keys
15 So the Master of Queen's
17 The Master of King's
19 The Master of Catherine
21 The Master of Clare
23 The Master of Christ
24 By the rest is enticed;
25 But the Master of Emmanuel
27 The Master of Benet
28 Is of the like tenet;
29 The Master of Pembroke
31 The Master of Peter's
32 Has all the same features;
33 The Master of St John's
34 Like the rest of the dons.
- The Characters of the Christ-Cross Row, By a Critic, To Mrs — (21 results)
P The Characters of the Christ-Cross Row, By a Critic, To Mrs —
1 Great D draws near— the Duchess sure is come,
2 Open the doors of the withdrawing-room:
4 The dowager grows a perfect double D.
8 Bright beaming as the evening-star her face.
15 F follows fast the fair— and in his rear
22 Henry the Eighth's most monstrous majesty.
25 As H the Hebrew found, so I the Jew:
27 The walls of old Jerusalem appear,
31 Pleased with his pranks, the pisgys calls him Puck,
41 Pippin or peach, then perches on the spray,
44 The pleasantest person in the Christ-cross Row. [...]
46 And seems small difference the sounds between.
50 Q draws her train along the drawing-room.
51 Slow follow all the quality of state:
57 S sails the swan slow down the silver stream. [...]
- [Lines Spoken by the Ghost of John Dennis at the Devil Tavern] (19 results)
P [Lines Spoken by the Ghost of John Dennis at the Devil Tavern]
1 From purling streams and the Elysian scene,
5 Ye gods, that sway the regions under ground,
7 At his command admit the eye of day:
10 The house of torture and the abyss of woe;
12 Gay meads and springing flowers, best please the gentle swain.
24 Betwixt the confines of the light and dark
25 It lies, of 'Lysium the St. James's Park.
26 Here spirit-beaux flutter along the Mall,
27 And shadows in disguise skate o'er the iced Canal;
29 Frequented by the ghosts of ancient maids,
30 Are seen to rise. The melancholy scene,
32 Conceals the wayward band: here spend their time
45 Flock to the ghost of Covent-Garden House:
48 The people, as in life, still keep their passions,
49 But differ something from the world in fashions.
- Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes (18 results)
P Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes
3 The azure flowers, that blow;
4 Demurest of the tabby kind,
5 The pensive Selima reclined,
6 Gazed on the lake below.
8 The fair round face, the snowy beard,
9 The velvet of her paws,
10 Her coat, that with the tortoise vies,
13 Still had she gazed; but 'midst the tide
15 The genii of the stream:
17 Through richest purple to the view
19 The hapless nymph with wonder saw:
22 She stretched in vain to reach the prize.
27 Nor knew the gulf between.
29 The slippery verge her feet beguiled,
31 Eight times emerging from the flood
- The Triumphs of Owen. A Fragment (17 results)
P The Triumphs of Owen. A Fragment
P from Mr. Evans's Specimens of the Welch Poetry;
P Owen succeeded his father Griffin in the principality of
11 This the force of Eirin hiding;
14 Lochlin ploughs the watery way;
15 There the Norman sails afar
16 Catch the winds and join the war:
18 Burthens of the angry deep.
20 The Dragon-son of Mona stands;
23 There the thundering strokes begin,
24 There the press and there the din;
26 Echoing to the battle's roar.
P [The Dragon-son] The red Dragon is the device of Cadwallader, which all his
- Ode to Adversity (13 results)
2 Thou tamer of the human breast,
4 The bad affright, afflict the best!
6 The proud are taught to taste of pain,
11 To thee he gave the heavenly birth,
22 The summer friend, the flattering foe;
28 With leaden eye, that loves the ground,
30 Warm Charity, the general friend,
32 And Pity, dropping soft the sadly-pleasing tear.
36 Nor circled with the vengeful band
37 (As by the impious thou art seen)
45 The generous spark extinct revive,
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid IX 319-26] (13 results)
1 Crenaeus, whom the nymph Ismenis bore
2 To Faunus on the Theban river's shore,
5 In this clear wave he first beheld the day;
6 On the green bank first taught his steps to stray,
7 To skim the parent flood and on the margin play:
8 Fear he disdains and scorns the power of fate,
10 The youth exulting stems the bloody tide,
13 Delights the favourite youth within its flood to lave.
14 Whether the youth obliquely steers his course
15 Or cuts the downward stream with equal force,
16 The indulgent river strives his steps to aid.
- [Hymn to Ignorance. A Fragment] (12 results)
8 Augments the native darkness of the sky;
16 The massy sceptre o'er thy slumbering line?
17 And dews Lethean through the land dispense
22 And huddle up in fogs the dangerous fire.
26 Can powers immortal feel the force of years?
28 She rode triumphant o'er the vanquished world;
32 (The schoolman's glory, and the churchman's boast.)
34 Her rapid wings the transient scene pursue,
35 And bring the buried ages back to view.
36 High on her car, behold the grandam ride
- [The Death of Hoel] (11 results)
P [The Death of Hoel]
P From Aneurin, Monarch of the Bards,
P extracted from the Gododin
1 Had I but the torrent's might,
4 To rush and sweep them from the world!
10 He asked and had the lovely maid.
16 From the golden cup they drink
17 Nectar, that the bees produce,
18 Or the grape's ecstatic juice.
22 (Bursting through the bloody throng)
23 And I, the meanest of them all,
- [Conan] (10 results)
2 Build to him the lofty verse,
3 Sacred tribute of the bard,
4 Verse, the hero's sole reward.
5 As the flame's devouring force;
6 As the whirlwind in its course;
7 As the thunder's fiery stroke,
8 Glancing on the shivered oak;
9 Did the sword of Conan mow
10 The crimson harvest of the foe.
- Stanzas to Mr Bentley (10 results)
1 In silent gaze the tuneful choir among,
2 Half pleased, half blushing, let the Muse admire,
4 And bids the pencil answer to the lyre.
9 The tardy rhymes that used to linger on,
15 The energy of Pope they might efface,
20 The pomp and prodigality of heaven.
21 As when, conspiring in the diamond's blaze,
22 The meaner gems, that singly charm the sight,
- Sonnet [on the Death of Mr Richard West] (8 results)
P Sonnet [on the Death of Mr Richard West]
1 In vain to me the smiling mornings shine,
3 The birds in vain their amorous descant join,
8 And in my breast the imperfect joys expire.
9 Yet morning smiles the busy race to cheer,
11 The fields to all their wonted tribute bear;
12 To warm their little loves the birds complain.
14 And weep the more because I weep in vain.
- The Candidate (6 results)
P The Candidate
7 Not I, for the Indies! you know I'm no prude;
12 'Tis just like the picture in Rochester's book.
16 And all the town rings of his swearing and roaring,
25 Did not Israel filch from the Egyptians of old
27 The prophet of Bethel, we read, told a lie;
- On L[or]d H[olland']s Seat near M[argat]e, K[en]t (6 results)
2 Here H[olland] took the pious resolution
9 Here reign the blustering North and blighting East,
11 Yet nature cannot furnish out the feast,
17 'Ah', said the sighing peer, 'had Bute been true,
20 And realised the ruins that we feign.
21 Purged by the sword and beautified by fire,
- Song II (6 results)
2 Ere the spring he would return.
4 And the buds that deck the thorn?
5 'Twas the lark that upward sprung!
6 'Twas the nightingale that sung!
12 Spare the honour of my love.
- William Shakespeare to Mrs Anne, Regular Servant to the Revd Mr Precentor of York (6 results)
P William Shakespeare to Mrs Anne, Regular Servant to the Revd Mr Precentor of York
14 Steal to his closet at the hour of prayer,
15 And (when thou hear'st the organ piping shrill)
18 Better the roast meat from the fire to save,
23 While Nancy earns the praise to Shakespeare due
- [Verse Fragments] (4 results)
1 The Joy that trembles in her eye
4 [...] beyond the power of Sound.
5 [...] and smart beneath the visionary scourge
10 The cadence of my song repeat
- [Couplet about Birds] (3 results)
1 There pipes the woodlark, and the song-thrush there
2 Scatters his loose notes in the waste of air.
- [Epitaph on a Child] (3 results)
2 A child, the darling of his parents' eyes:
3 A gentler lamb ne'er sported on the plain,
5 Few were the days allotted to his breath;
- [Epitaph on Mrs Clerke] (3 results)
4 The peaceful virtues loved to dwell.
8 She felt the wound she left behind.
12 Along the lonely vale of days?
- [Epitaph on Sir William Williams] (3 results)
1 Here, foremost in the dangerous paths of fame,
8 And scorned repose when Britain took the field.
11 Ah gallant youth! this marble tells the rest,
- [Impromptus] (3 results)
1 The Bishop of Chester
4 One day the Bishop having offered to give a Gentleman a Goose,
7 Here lies Mrs Keene the Bishop of Chester,
- [Invitation to Mason] (3 results)
2 Stonhewer the lewd and Delaval the loud.
6 The Widow feels thee in her aching hip,
- Lines on the Accession of George III (3 results)
P Lines on the Accession of George III
1 The Old One's dead,
3 The New One takes his place;
- [Caradoc] (2 results)
1 Have ye seen the tusky boar,
2 Or the bull, with sullen roar,
- [Epitaph on Mrs Mason] (2 results)
2 ('Twas ev'n to thee) yet the dread path once trod,
4 And bids ''the pure in heart behold their God.''
- Song I (2 results)
2 And droop without knowing the source of my anguish;
3 To start from short slumbers and look for the morning—
- [Tophet] (2 results)
1 Such Tophet was; so looked the grinning fiend
4 With servile simper nod the mitred head.
- [Lines Written at Burnham] (1 result)
2 In murmuring sounds the dark decrees of fate;
- [Sketch of his Own Character] (1 result)
2 He had not the method of making a fortune: